While I can't blame my addiction solely on that problem, I think it aids it. MY ADDICTION: I waste hours and hours of my time (not all at once, and not while Sophie is awake) playing Minesweeper.

It's horrible. I find myself in front of the computer playing game after game, thinking to myself, "I should be doing something productive right now". And then I think, "OK, I'm going to stop and do something else.....right after I win one more game."
One reason I don't have very good motivation to tame my addiction is that it's football season. Which would I rather do? Sit in front of a football game in the family room, or idle my time away with Minesweeper? (or clean the bathroom, but who wants to do that when the rest of the household is in front of the TV?) But that's not a very good excuse. Cause next month I'll just use basketball season as my excuse. How terrible of me to look for ways to blame my bad habit on something else.
Anyway, I figure if I get my embarassing addiction publicized, it will give me more motivation to quit. I should make a list of things I can do besides minesweeper.
1. Sew (I need to find a project first though)
2. Send nice e-mails to friends
3. Write
4. Draw
5. Cook
6. File stuff in the office
7. Learn how to knit
8. Read
I'm out of ideas at the moment. All I can think of are more chore-related items (like #6) and I don't want to write them down.
I'm afraid to check if we have that game on our computer, because I am weak and I know I will become addicted.
you could sew an easter dress for sophie ................... or just keep paying
i mean playing
When I went to college in Flag, my roommate and I shared a computer...it was hers. While she was in class, I would sit and play...and beat my own records b/c she never played it. She never understood how I could get so into that 'boring' game until my dad and brothers came to visit...my dad went straight to computer and started playing-it is a hard habit to break.
That's why you won't get a mac.
Check it out.
at least you're not addicted to drugs.
You may remember my similar problem with FreeCell. You may have been at BYU at the time, but I would have to beg my children to turn off the computer, because I didn't have the will power. I feel your shame.
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