Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Journal Jar #12: My Testimony

Thank you for all of your patience during my blogger break. We moved last Monday, and we're still getting settled in. More on that later. To answer a comment question, this Journal Jar was something that my church's young women made during an activity to promote journal writing. I thought I would set an example for them and use mine weekly.

What Can I Do To Strengthen My Testimony?

I believe that a testimony of the church is a very personal thing. I feel my testimony is the strongest when I am doing things on my own to strengthen it, namely: reading my scriptures and praying daily. If I don't have the motivation to do these things by myself, I sometimes feel like I am just along for the ride, and not being as uplifted as I could be.

1 comment:

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

welcome back! we missed you!