Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What Are the Odds?

Last week, I was the LUCKY winner of a Design Mom giveaway (here's what I won - I'll do an official post when everything arrives). Over 900 people entered.

Then THIS week, Leslie won. Craziness!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby's First Hair Cut


Distraction Tools Used:

(a sucker and half a banana)


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The World Has Turned

It's spring time, which means that the sun is best friends with Sophie's window at like 6:30am. This is what our house looks like in the morning:

No, those aren't herald angels in Sophie's room, that's what it looks like in the AM. And because of it, this week, she began to wake up every morning exactly one hour earlier than last week.

It's a mean trick to those of us not fooled by the sun.

Monday, April 07, 2008

This Little Piggy

Pigtails (or any other type of hair-do) last about 8 seconds on this girl. So I have to take action quickly if I want to snag a picture for my blog, fooling you all into thinking that I do my daughter's hair daily and she loves every minute of it.

Now, to give her some credit, it's not entirely her fault. Unless the hair accessory is on the top of her head, she usually doesn't know its there (it hasn't occurred to her to feel the back of her head yet). However, whatever her little fingers don't pry out, the car seat manages to rub away.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

New Passenger Side Window: $110

To the Person Who Shattered Jake's Car Window at School Last Week:

Seriously? You thought you'd find something valuable in a Geo?



Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Signs of Life

Signs of Life:

No Sign of Life:

sorry little peach tree.