Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sammy Boy is Sick

My poor baby boy is sick. He's been throwing up since 9:00 last night, and doesn't have much of an appetite at all. Of course, he's still my same happy Sam. He can puke and squeal in the same breath.

I noticed that it's been a while since he's had a wet diaper, so I set him on the floor of the office to do some internet research on the symptoms of dehydration. One of the signs that your baby is seriously dehydrated is having hands and feet that feel cold and look splotchy. I looked down at Sam to examine his feet and this is what I saw:

I continued reading, but the article didn't mention anything about excessive blueness around the fingers and mouth. I think I need to do some more research.


Pia said...

He looks so cute...I hope he feels better soon.

diana said...

hah, you should probably have that checked out.

hope he gets feeling better soon.